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A storyboard is the first step to any film.  It helps gets thoughts organized, and provides a idea of what the final project will look like.  The example below is the storyboard for my second plushie film.  In each frame I have a rough drawing of the kind of shots I'm going to take in each scene, and notes below that describe whats going on in each picture.  These notes include things like which direction I'm going to be panning with the camera, and what to do with the stuffed animal.  The storyboard will serve as a checklist, so I know exactly what I need to film to make the movie.


Plushie Pt 1

This was the first film I've ever made in this class.  Our assignment was to take a stuffed animal from a box, and we had 15 minutes to take as many shots as possible.  When we got back I used Final Cut Pro to edit my film together.  I've never used this software before, but so far its very similar to iMovie.  Im comfortable with it so far, and am excited to use it more this semester. 

Plushie Pt 2

For this assignment, we had to create a storyboard before filming so we would get a better idea of how an actual film will go in the future.  The storyboard for this project is pictured above.  I started writing in black, and then as I was filming I used it as a kind of checklist of what to film.  I also wrote down changes i made in blue.  Using a storyboard made filming a lot more organized.  I hope to improve my drawing skills and handwriting so that my storyboards are easier to read.

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