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Being the Interviewer

In this interview I talked to Zoe Larkins.  The second time around I felt a lot more prepared, and was able to come up with better, more interesting questions.   It also helped talking to someone who'd gone through an interview before.  Editing was easier because Zoe spoke for longer, and there wasn't as much background noise as there was in the first interview.  All in all, interviews aren't as scary as I thought, and I can't wait to do more them.

Being interviewed

interview 1

Interviewing and being behind the camera is a lot more fun than being interviewed.  It feels like theres a lot of pressure to say the right things, and also to look your best. Talking about myself is also difficult, because sounding vain is always an issue.  Leo asked good questions and found some good Mountain Campus photos for B roll.  Despite Leo being a very good interviewer, I'd still much rather be on the other side of the camera.

interview 1

In this interview, I asked Mary Garay some questions about school, sports, etc.  It was hard to come up with questions that could be answered in a way that would make sense once I edited the question out.  I ended up asking a lot about her basketball career.  She was able to talk a lot about that, so editing the video down thunder a minute wasn't difficult.  I wouldn't mind interviewing someone else, but I think it would have helped, and I will definitely come up with questions in the future.

Behind the Camera

interview 1

Mary interviewed Leo for this video, and my job was to be behind the camera.  We made sure Leo was in frame and well lit, and from then on it was making sure that the camera didn't move.  It was hard in the beginning because there was construction in the background, so Leo and Mary had to speak louder than they were used to.  Being behind the camera is really fun during an interview, because you can make everything  in the shot look pretty.

Interview 2

Being behind the camera the second time was much easier, especially because we had amore controlled environment in the book closet.  Getting lighting and such situated took a lot less time, and there was less background noise to deal with.  All in all this time around was much better.  I like being behind the camera much better than being in front.

Interview 2

Being interviewed was much easier this time, now that I kind of knew the drill. Zoie asked questions that I could easily answer to with stories that are much easier to edit.   It felt like a lot less pressure in the book closet, with only Julia and Zoie in the closet.  Definitely better than being outside in the courtyard.

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