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Phone Racker

For this assignmentI directed a commercial for a BBA "product".  Mary, Datz, and I were tasked to come up with either a serious PSA or a funny commercial for something "BBA".  We decided to poke fun at the idea of the new phone racks.  Our product is a fake phone that you can put in the phone racks in order to trick your teacher into letting you keep your phone during class.  We also joked that the freshmen this year are the most likely to use this products we "marketed" directly to them.  We were given an actor from the A block drama class, and went to work.  In the second half of class we finished the script and came up with a storyboard, had sight scouted, and were ready to work the next day.  We were a little shaky getting started, when trying to figure out the best lighting, but from then on the only issue was trying to set up the same shot for different scenes after we'd just shot.  We could have easily avoided this by shooting these senes at the same time while we still had the camera set up how we wanted it, but we're learning.

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